Monday, February 22, 2010

Watch out for the Temptations of Achievement!

Since the beginning of time, people have been trying to do things either for themselves or for others. Motivated by desires stemming from one of these two, they work hard, think hard and do whatever they can to achieve their goals. But as people went after their goals, they changed. They gave up some things, gained some in return, and ended up being totally different from who they were when they began. 

In some cases this is good, as when an alcoholic stops drinking so he could live a healthier and happier life with his family. But when people are blinded by the desire for power and money, they sometimes give up their very selves to achieve their goals.

One of the great mentors of the world, Jim Rohn, said that you should be wary what you become in pursuit of your goals. He is correct to point out that as you work towards your goals, you should keep solidly bound on your values. 

You see, the world often measures success in its own terms - worldly terms such as wealth and power. There is nothing bad about being successful in the eyes of the world, but often there are many trade-offs for becoming successful as the world dictates. The greater the power and wealth you want, the more things you will have to give up.

Looking at human potential (YOUR potential), you have to be realistic and yet ambitious at the same time. You have to look at the things most important to you - will you be giving up some of them to fulfill your potential for success? Are these things dispensable?

I have a friend who had great dreams - to make a lot of money every month. At first he was doing good, but soon he traded us off for another partner - in the hope that he can make more money with that partner! As a result, he drove us away. And I don't think he's making enough money to make losing us worth it. In fact, he lost six friends. What are six friends worth to you? That's a question you ask yourself. And I tell you, it can never be answered with a monetary amount.

What can you do so that you become successful without giving up the most important things in your life?

The first step you can take is to find time looking at the things you find the most important. God, family, your country, helping others, these are the most common values among people anywhere in the world. Can you align your goals with these values? Can you dream the dreams that will allow you to honor God, take care of your family, build your nation, and help others all at once? It is a daunting task but I want you to know it can be done. Sleeping 8 hours a day, that leaves sixteen for you to work with. What will you do with that time?

After getting your goals aligned with your values, it's time to spend time achieving them. Anything you want to have or give requires that you give time to it. You have sixteen hours a day. The more time you give your work, the better you get at it, the more money you make. The more time you spend with your family, the stronger your bond becomes. 

You have to find the right balance of time for taking care of yourself, your family, your work, and your relationship with God. By removing unnecessary activities like smoking and drinking, watching TV, or bumming around, and investing that time in sports with your friends or kids, or helping out at the local charity, you become a person more deserving of the title "Successful".

Achieving your goals is important, but sticking to your values is more important. You may not be as rich or as powerful as you dream you would be, but if you are a good parent, or a good spouse, a good friend, and you help everyone you can in your own small way, you are indeed successful.

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