Starting your own business may be a very profitable step to take. Millions of people around the world have amassed their fortunes, great or just enough, by getting into business. However, while it certainly is profitable, business is not for the faint of heart. Statistically, 95% of all new businesses fail within the first five years of operation. Not a very encouraging figure.
Despite this fact, many people are still getting into business. And while most fail, some succeed and skyrocket to their financial goals. One of my friends started a business while he was still in college. After college he was earning a very good income off it, and he didn't need to stress himself out anymore. He could relax because his income was very much enough for himself (him being a bachelor), and he could enjoy football whenever he wanted to.
Now, you might be wondering what he did, given that he was still in college while he built up his business.
No, he wasn't doing anything illegal. He wasn't doing any special favors for anyone.
He simply started his own home-based business. One he could attend to part-time. One that was backed by a strong partner.
He found it all in this home business that he started. He had a great supplier, giving him great products, and the only problem he had was to get the products moving. He spent a few hours each day setting up meetings with potential customers, a few hours meeting them, a few hours restocking. The thing was, he was spending only a few hours each day.
Now, what business could he possibly have been in?
I won't tell, but I'll tell you what they MAY be. There is one type of business that you can begin with a few hours each day.
Any buy and sell business. Be it real estate, high-tech products, premium quality products, if you can buy it and sell it at your own time, at your own price, you have a potential business right there.
Now, the question is - should you?
I leave the answer up to you. Just keep in mind - your financial goals will always be just goals until you turn them into reality.
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