Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Do You Look at Yourself?

When people look at you, what do they see? Do they see a small person? A big person? Someone who is successful? Or someone who looks like a failure?

Everyone values appearance immensely. Some people even base their opinions of your solely on your appearance. These people give you a very small window in which to prove your worth as a person. While they are not important in your life right now, they might be someday. You never know when you will meet a person again. As such, it would help to make a good first impression.

Now you might be thinking, "I'm not good-looking! I look like a monkey!! I have too many pimples! I'm too fat, too thin!" That is a bad way to look at yourself! If you look at yourself as such, how will other people develop a good impression of you?

This is where self-esteem comes in. People with a healthy self-esteem are people you will immediately like - guaranteed. This is because they love themselves - and they project this. When you see someone who looks like he feels good, your tendency is to feel good as well. And when someone makes you feel good, you'll surely like that person

How would you like to be liked? Very much, I think! The first person who must like you, then, is you!

By liking yourself, you begin to notice the good points of your personality. You begin to take note of your skills, talents and other good things you left for granted until you started paying positive attention to yourself.

Seeing that you are not as bad as you thought you were helps you in all aspects of your life. Once you see how good you really are inside, you will become a more energetic, happy and productive person. 

You'll become a better father, mother, executive, director, athlete, conversationalist - a better everything! All because you finally saw that you deserve more love than what you were giving yourself before.

Seeing yourself as someone who can do things will drive you to do those things. Confidence will increase a hundred times, and you will be blasting right through projects and other major activities in your life. I bet no psychiatrist can help you feel better than you yourself can. And the good thing is, you can start today without paying a dime!

My friend, I believe in you. I know you will be great, and I am expecting you to be great. Let's do this!

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